YES Offence!

“No offence but you never turned me on,”
Why then, did you fucking lead me on?
I was learning to live on my own,
Why then, did you come along?
Mistook you for an angel,
You turned out to be a demon,
You said, “Lets not keep labels”,
Left me without a reason… Continue reading YES Offence!

Sticky post

Daydreams & Nightmares

So I begin writing these lines as I fall from grace,
Down to this place, makin’ the world my stage.
True talent doesn’t see gender, race or age,
I know, now, I’m filled with rage, So,
What I can’t explain through speech I hope these lines would convey, yo!
A broken heart can be repaired.
Do I see Daydreams, or Nightmares?
Hear me screaming, yet you stand right there,
Everybody sees me, but no one cares,
I wanna be free & fly away
Are these Daydreams, or Nightmares? Continue reading Daydreams & Nightmares