Nude (Goddess)


Can you be naked in front me babe,

Show me your everything,

Get naked and reveal,

The soul you have within…


I’m naked in front of you babe,

But not just showing my skin,

I’m naked and you can see,

The soul I have within…


You can have me all,

And I’ll hold you tight,

As I kiss your body,

And your soul inside…



I’m being honest, I love to taste,

My nude goddess, my aphrodite,

Baby we’re so intimate,

My soul feels you inside me,


Silently and quietly, 

I want you to beguile me,

I love it when you take control,

Straddle and defile me,


I wanna hold you tight,

Baby give me your all,

I love your perfection,

And your beautiful flaws…



I’m naked (naked) naked for you

I’m naked (naked) naked for you

I’m naked (naked) naked for you

I’m naked (naked) naked for you

I’m naked (naked) naked for you

I’m naked (naked) naked for you

I’m naked (naked) naked for you

I’m naked…


We lay naked, as we float,

On this tiny, pale blue dot,

The universe was formed for us,

Baby you’re the only one I want…


We make love, through space and time,

Orgasms, fill the silent night,

We explode like supernovas,

The entire cosmos sees our light…


We’re naked (naked) naked together

We’re naked (naked) naked forever

We’re naked (naked) naked for each other

We’re naked (naked) naked cause we’re lovers

I’m naked (naked) naked for you

I’m naked (naked) naked for you

I’m naked (naked) naked for you

I’m naked…

Only for you…

Chords – E Cmaj G Bm7

One thought on “Nude (Goddess)

  1. I hope that I will hear the same from you!!!!😇♥️
    Your songs and your voice are the best❣️. In my opinion you can definitely beat Halsey!!!!!


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